About the company

The company SI Corporate Finance (JSC), the SICF, is one of the biggest investment groups on the Czech market.

It was founded in October 1998 as a daughter company of Stratego Invest (JSC), an important non-bank investment broker. At the moment its major share holder is Stratego Private Equity, AG company.

Since being founded, the SICF has completed a number of investment projects, has given advice to a wide variety of clients including multinational companies and has financed projects for clients worth over 10 billion CZK and acquisitions worth over 16 billion CZK.

The basic capital of the company is 20 million CZK.

Company philosophy

Our clients´ interests always come first. We know that keeping this promise makes us successful.

The company´s good name and its staff are one of the greatest assets. We respect the law and strictly follow ethical rules and regulations.

We guarantee discretion and individual care.

The core of our success is the effort we put into the projects of our clients, especially into the exclusive services. If necessary, we can be here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Schematic and formal procedures are not used here becuase we understand that each project is unique.

We are a team of hard working professionals, always trying our very best with the running of each project.

We put an emphasy on a professional and a good quality work. We prefer being the best rather than the biggest or the most known.

We keep trying to forsee the needs of our clients and to develop new services and ways of doing things to safisfy them.

We know that it is not enough to just do projects and provide advice. What is the most important is a successful outcome.

Our team cooperates with leading legal practices, auditors and specialized advisory companies – thanks to that we can guarantee a complete no-fail management of each project.